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대통령 직속 2050 탄소중립녹색성장위원회 로고

37개국 청년들, 기후변화 및 탄소중립을 논하다!

작성일 : 2022-08-26 조회 : 1188

37개국 청년들, 기후변화 및 탄소중립을 논하다!

GYCC 2022/23
Seoul station (Seoul Korea)
July 13, 2022

62 young NGO activists from 38 countries

GYCC Youth Lab Co-Leader
Laeeun PARK
Hello. My name is Laeeun Park and I am the co-leader of the GYCC youth lab and this year in 22 and 23. The GYCC participants have gathered from all over the world to talk about their action models and proposals for policies on the topic of deforestation.

Watching Documentary About Deforestation, Discussing Topics(Eumseong Korea)

Uniting Youth for a Greener Tomorrow

GYCC 2022/23
Peace Museum of the 8th UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon
July 14, 2022

The 8th UN Secretary-General
You are the watchdog you have to raise your voice who want the political leaders.

The Secretary General of TCS
OU Boqian
My name is OU Boqian, the secretary-general the Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat
Trilateral Cooperation is among China, Japan, the Republic of Korea. And I'm so honored to be invited to participate. This a wonderful event.

GYCC 2022/23
Hotel Skypark Kingstown Dongdaemun (Seoul Korea)
July 15, 2022

Expert Lecture in Sky Park Bangquet Hall (Seoul Korea)

Hello. My name is Omar. I'm come from Egypt. So we are here to combat the desertification and deforestation. We are working on an action plan to complete to combat to the desertification in the region in the sub-saharan region.

Town Hall Meeting Rehearsal Preparation(DDP Designers Lounge)

GYCC 2022/23
GYCC Town Hall Meeting (Seoul Korea)
July 15, 2022

Ambassador and Depuly Minister for Climate Change
Hyoeun Jenny Kim
In Global Climate action, the voices and actions by the young leaders is extremely important and I'm very impressed with the activities i have seen today and I congratulate all GYCC members to have a wonderful week for better future and greener planet.

Ambassador of Colombia to Korea
Hello, I'm Juan Carlos Ambassador of Colombia to Korea. Today was a fantastic event with the young Leaders with the Ministry of forests and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. We had the opportunity to review a lot of kind of project business plan with the objective to try to find public private partnerships in bioeconomy biodiversity food clean energy wonderful works that will permit to develop.

2050 Carbon Neutrality and Green Growth Commission

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

글로벌 청년 기후환경 챌린지 2022/23(GYCC 2022/23)이 2022년 7월 13일부터 16일까지 37개국 53명의 청년이 참여하여 탄소중립위원회와 외교부 공동주체로 개최되었습니다.

이번 GYCC는 “푸른 내일을 위해 연대하는 청년(Uniting Youth for a Greener Tomorrow)이라는 슬로건으로 메인 주제인 ’산림파괴(Deforestation)‘분야 5건, 부주제로 ’산림과 물‘ 분야 1건이 논의되었습니다.

이번 논의를 통하여 청년들은 산림파괴를 막기 위하여 ▲인공위성과 열화상 기술을 이용한 산림 조림 및 모니터링, ▲청년 환경교류 프로그램을 통한 환경 네트워크 구축 및 ‘GYCC 아카데미’ 조성, ▲지역사회와의 정보공유를 위한 E-매거진 발간 등 다양한 아이디어를 제안하였으며, 이러한 아이디어들이 실효성을 가지기 위해서는 정보 공유 플랫폼과 교육을 통해 지역사회의 적극적인 참여를 끌어내는 것이 중요하다고 하였습니다.

이후 GYCC 2022/23은 금년 11월에 이집트 샤름 엘 셰이크에서 개최 예정인 제27차 기후변화당사국총회(COP27)와 내년에 콜롬비아 보고타에서 개최될 P4G(Partnering for Green Growth and the Global Goals 2030)에서도 활동할 예정입니다.

